Sunday 28 April 2013

One direction!!

Oh how could I forget blogging about going to see One Direction!' It was a birthday present for my friend Amy's birthday, she took me and oh my what an evening!! We decided to just be geeks for the evening and forget anyone around us. It was so much fun... Even though they are about 4 years my junior, it doesn't stop us from screaming like 14 year old girls!

Essex roots

I can never escape my Essex ways! I resisted French tips....I'll add the glitter myself!


Bit of a pointless updating post, but haven't done it for a while so thought I had better! Really it's just an excuse to try out the blogger app on my new iPhone!! Unfortunately (?) my blackberry broke and so did our 4 year relationship! It was time to move to an iPhone which I'm loving!!! Basically I'm only at Uni for another month before moving home to start my placement year' so crazy it's gone so so fast!!! I am really looking forward to it, and am looking forward to meeting some new people and a bit of a change! Today I'm planning on the dying my converse so i it goes well I will be posting about that any time now!!!
Random picture but this is pretty much what's getting me through all the Uni work I have!!!
Lots of love x